Broadway's master of comedy, Neil Simon, creates a series of memorable sketches inspired from a selection of short stories by Anton Chekhov. In one sketch a feisty woman storms a bank and upbraids the manager for his gout and lack of money. In another, a doctor's new assistant is left to perform a bungling tooth extraction on a sexton. In another sketch, a crafty seducer goes to work on a married woman.
In a touching musical duet an elderly man and woman sing about whether it's too late for happiness. And, let's not forget the hilarious tale about a man who offers to put on a show by drowning himself for three rubles!
Presented by the Connaught's associate theatre company who brought you Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play and The Importance of Being Oscar. The Good Doctor features five actors performing the sketches with live music provided by theatre organist Michael Wooldridge.
Directed by Ross Muir & Designed by Laura Kimber.
PRESS QUOTES to view full reviews please visit our reaction page.
“Conn Artists Theatre Company do it more than justice with a great deal of bounce and sparkle, singing and dancing around a minimal set with a handful of props.”
(The Argus, Brighton on The Good Doctor)
(Kuryatin and Others)..................................................Neil James
(Husband, Sailor and Others)...................................Isaac Finch
(Julia, Wife and Others).............................Helen Louise Parker
Madame Brassilhov
(Mistress and Others)....................................Chrysanthe Grech
General Brassilhov
(Sexton and Others).............................................Peter Faulkner
Special Guest Organist.............................Michael Wooldridge
Director.............................................................................Ross Muir
Designer.....................................................................Laura Kimber
Production Manager /
Lighting Design........................................................Matthew Pike
Deputy Stage Manager.................................Adrian Emmerson
Hair & Make-Up / ASM........................................Jessica Barthel
Graphic Design & Illustration..............................Richard Snaith